We have sinned because we have forsaken the Lord and have served the Baals and the Ashtaroth; but now deliver us from the hands of our enemies, and we will serve You.
I Samuel 12:10
Looking back at 12:9, we can see the trouble they were in. They realized and noticed the reason bad things and troubles were all around them. They realized that it was because of their sin, following after a false god instead of the One True God, their First Love. They knew they had to turn back from their sin toward God in order for deliverance from the bad things that was happening.
In our own lives, we will have trouble when we stop following after G0d and turn toward the Baals and Ashtaroth's. Now it may not be a god that we made, a statue of bronze to fall down before. Paul reveals in I Corinthians 10:14, Therefore, my dearly beloved, shun (keep clear away from, avoid by flight if need be) any sort of idolatry (of loving or venerating anything
more than God).
God has to rule and reign and have complete control. This is an area of my own life God has been showing me, that He wants complete control of everything that I am. What gods can we setup? The television or the devotion to certain programs, the computer, housecleaning, shopping, even our friends and family. God has to come first, when He does, everything else will fall into its rightful place and you will be able to endure whatever is thrown your way.
Your flesh has to be fed everyday, no matter how much Christmas dinner you eat. The next day you are hungry like you've eaten nothing. Your spirit has to be fed everyday, no matter how much God you take in, everyday your spirit craves more of Him. That is the way it should be we should all have an addiction to the spirit of God that we will do whatever it takes to get to that secret place to get inside His presence, to feel His heart, to hear His desires not to make our requests but have a conversation with the Lord God Almighty. He waits for us.
Look for God in everything, look for ways to spend time with Him. Paul said in Ephesians 6:18, Pray at all times (on every occasion, in every season) in the Spirit, with all [manner of] prayer and entreaty. To that end keep alert and watch with strong purpose and perseverance, interceding in behalf of all the saints (God's consecrated people).
This doesn't mean that we have to stop and kneel in the closet all day, although, getting away secretly is a good and beneficial thing. What we can do is put on some worship music and turn off distractions and pray while we do our normal daily activities. When we feed our spirit, the voice of God is louder and more clear, when we feed our flesh, the voice of the enemy is louder and more clear.
As we enter into the 21 day fast, I want to encourage you to seek Him more, as we deny our flesh, let's feed our spirits more. Let's hear the voice of God louder and clearer for 2009!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
How close are you God?
While studying the book of Job, God has been revealing some incite into His plan and purpose for my life. I seem to learn something new everyday that causes me to run after Him. God is so great and vast and majestic, yet He chooses to have a relationship with me. He desires to walk with me through out my life and guide me in every step I take if I will only let Him. How awesome to know that the King of the universe knows my name and desires to have a truly intimate relationship with me. In His word He says that He will stick closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24). I never understood that, but through this study I’m learning that God does just that. He sticks closer than a brother, friend, mother, father, child. He never gets aggravated and says, “That’s it. I can’t stand you anymore.” The only way to get rid of the closeness of God is to run away from Him. He will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). He is a very present help in time of need (Psalms 46:1). I’m learning that God is really always there no matter what I’m going through. No matter how difficult the trial may seem at the time, He is there! He was there for Job and He is there for you, too!
Job had never been through a trial of this difficulty before. It was challenging and it was going to be life changing for him. We go through things like this in our lives also. God challenges us for greatness. It is through these times of trial that our fleshly flaws are exposed. We can allow God to remove these things to make us stronger and to cause our spiritual growth, or we can falter under them, run from them, and find no growth and stay in the same place. If God is allowing a great challenge to come in your life, then consider it an honor that He loves and respects and considers so much of you to allow it. He is sitting on the throne saying things like, “Hey watch what she does here. Isn’t she awesome? I bet Satan never saw that coming. I’m so proud!”
You are truly blessed and highly favored when trials come because God sees what is coming and knows that you can make it through.
Job had never been through a trial of this difficulty before. It was challenging and it was going to be life changing for him. We go through things like this in our lives also. God challenges us for greatness. It is through these times of trial that our fleshly flaws are exposed. We can allow God to remove these things to make us stronger and to cause our spiritual growth, or we can falter under them, run from them, and find no growth and stay in the same place. If God is allowing a great challenge to come in your life, then consider it an honor that He loves and respects and considers so much of you to allow it. He is sitting on the throne saying things like, “Hey watch what she does here. Isn’t she awesome? I bet Satan never saw that coming. I’m so proud!”
You are truly blessed and highly favored when trials come because God sees what is coming and knows that you can make it through.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The Power of Unity
They all gathered together for the appointed time of Worship. They had done this before. It was a part of their culture and way of life. It was expected of them by their God. What made this time any different than the others? What caused God to manifest this way? What is the key to having God "show up and show out?" The answer is UNITY!
As I began to Read the book of Luke and study out the Christmas story, I began to see somethings from a different perspective. The priest in the Jewish culture had jobs to do. Every morning and every evening they would go to the temple to offer sacrifices to the Lord . One of the functions was to burn incense before the Lord (Exodus 30:7). Burning the incense was probably the closest you could come to God with out being the High Priest. The Altar of incense was sitting directly in front of the veil that separated the Holy of Holies (Exodus 30:6). It was Zachariah's turn to serve in the temple and he was chosen to burn the incense. While serving his function something miraculous happened. We know the story. He was visited by Gabriel, told he and his wife would finally have a child, and he was made dumb until after the child's birth.
Why did this happen? What triggered God to show up. The obvious answer was that God had a plan and this was His appointed time, but there is more. God is governed by His word. God gave dominion and power over the earth to us. We have to invite God in and release His power on the earth. He can influence our thoughts and our actions, but ultimately we have the control and with out inviting God in He cannot and will not move on our behalf.
So what happened to invite God to show up and manifest His will? UNITY, UNITY, UNITY!!! The scripture just before Zachariah sees Gabriel says that ALL THE THRONG were praying in the court at the hour that the incense was being burned (Luke 1:10). A throng is defined as a great multitude. This was not "the intercessors" having prayer meeting. This was not the "prayer chain" calling up the people on the list. This was not the "prayer warrior" down the road covering someone in prayer. This was everyone who came to worship at this time all praying. Talk about unity. The women were not thinking about the chores that they had to do when they got home. The men were not thinking about the work they would being doing later on that day. They children were not playing with their buddies. Everyone was praying!
Because these people decided to come to the house of God, forget about the cares of life, and focus on God, He manifest His awesome power. I can think of another time this happened. One hundred twenty people gathered together determined to wait on God to manifest Himself in some way. They didn't know what would happen, but they would stay until something did happen (Acts 2:1-4).
What has happened to unity in the body of Christ? Church services have become a part of our culture. They are ritualistic. We go not expecting anything from the Lord, but rather we come because that is what we are supposed to do. What would happen if we would drop the cares of life for a few moments and enter into His courts like this throng did? What would happen if we would pray, not screaming out a wish list, but begging for His presence? We would see the manifestation of His presence. We would see things that we haven't even asked God for, come to pass. Healing, Deliverance, and Miracles would manifest.
The next time you come together as the body of Christ think about what unity will bring and put your focus on God. Watch and see what He will do!
As I began to Read the book of Luke and study out the Christmas story, I began to see somethings from a different perspective. The priest in the Jewish culture had jobs to do. Every morning and every evening they would go to the temple to offer sacrifices to the Lord . One of the functions was to burn incense before the Lord (Exodus 30:7). Burning the incense was probably the closest you could come to God with out being the High Priest. The Altar of incense was sitting directly in front of the veil that separated the Holy of Holies (Exodus 30:6). It was Zachariah's turn to serve in the temple and he was chosen to burn the incense. While serving his function something miraculous happened. We know the story. He was visited by Gabriel, told he and his wife would finally have a child, and he was made dumb until after the child's birth.
Why did this happen? What triggered God to show up. The obvious answer was that God had a plan and this was His appointed time, but there is more. God is governed by His word. God gave dominion and power over the earth to us. We have to invite God in and release His power on the earth. He can influence our thoughts and our actions, but ultimately we have the control and with out inviting God in He cannot and will not move on our behalf.
So what happened to invite God to show up and manifest His will? UNITY, UNITY, UNITY!!! The scripture just before Zachariah sees Gabriel says that ALL THE THRONG were praying in the court at the hour that the incense was being burned (Luke 1:10). A throng is defined as a great multitude. This was not "the intercessors" having prayer meeting. This was not the "prayer chain" calling up the people on the list. This was not the "prayer warrior" down the road covering someone in prayer. This was everyone who came to worship at this time all praying. Talk about unity. The women were not thinking about the chores that they had to do when they got home. The men were not thinking about the work they would being doing later on that day. They children were not playing with their buddies. Everyone was praying!
Because these people decided to come to the house of God, forget about the cares of life, and focus on God, He manifest His awesome power. I can think of another time this happened. One hundred twenty people gathered together determined to wait on God to manifest Himself in some way. They didn't know what would happen, but they would stay until something did happen (Acts 2:1-4).
What has happened to unity in the body of Christ? Church services have become a part of our culture. They are ritualistic. We go not expecting anything from the Lord, but rather we come because that is what we are supposed to do. What would happen if we would drop the cares of life for a few moments and enter into His courts like this throng did? What would happen if we would pray, not screaming out a wish list, but begging for His presence? We would see the manifestation of His presence. We would see things that we haven't even asked God for, come to pass. Healing, Deliverance, and Miracles would manifest.
The next time you come together as the body of Christ think about what unity will bring and put your focus on God. Watch and see what He will do!
Friday, November 7, 2008
God's Heart
God reveals throughout the Word His feelings toward His children. We as believers in Christ are His children and all need to be reminded with the Love His Heart feels for us. Here is just a few thoughts from God's Heart.
Isaiah 40:11
He will feed His flock like a shepard: He will gather the lambs in His arms, He will carry them in His bosom and will gently lead those that have their young.
James 1:17
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above; it comes down from the Father of all.
Zephaniah 3:17
The Lord your God is in the midst of you, a Mighty One, a Savior [Who saves]! He will rejoice over you with joy; He will rest [in silent satisfaction] and in His love He will be silent and make no mention [of past sins, or even recall them]; He will exult over you with singing.
Jeremiah 33:11
Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know.
Matthew 10:30
But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
1 John 3:2
Beloved, we are [even here and] now God's children; it is not yet disclosed (made clear) what we shall be [hereafter], but we know that when He comes and is manifested, we shall [as God's children] resemble and be like Him, for we shall see Him just as He [really] is.
Wow! At the awesome love God has for us. What a Father we have!
Isaiah 40:11
He will feed His flock like a shepard: He will gather the lambs in His arms, He will carry them in His bosom and will gently lead those that have their young.
James 1:17
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above; it comes down from the Father of all.
Zephaniah 3:17
The Lord your God is in the midst of you, a Mighty One, a Savior [Who saves]! He will rejoice over you with joy; He will rest [in silent satisfaction] and in His love He will be silent and make no mention [of past sins, or even recall them]; He will exult over you with singing.
Jeremiah 33:11
Call to Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know.
Matthew 10:30
But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
1 John 3:2
Beloved, we are [even here and] now God's children; it is not yet disclosed (made clear) what we shall be [hereafter], but we know that when He comes and is manifested, we shall [as God's children] resemble and be like Him, for we shall see Him just as He [really] is.
Wow! At the awesome love God has for us. What a Father we have!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Know Your Position
Imagine a baseball team standing on the field in position ready to play ball. Now, let's go a step further, imagine that same team but with players who have decided that the position they were placed in was not for them. So, they all cluster to the middle of the field to argue. Can that team play ball? No, each person has to fulfill his position in order for the game to be played. Now, let's go even deeper. Imagine the team is placed in their positions and one in the outfield is angry because he didn't get the position as pitcher. That one thinks he is good enough to be pitcher maybe even better than the one the coach designated as pitcher. So what will the outfielder do? Certainly not play his given position, he is going to be upset and frustrated the entire time, he will judge the pitcher on his choices and all the while think of how much better he would have been as pitcher. Will the outfielder be supportive of the pitcher? No, the outfielder may even let balls go by just to show his anger or let the pitcher know that he is not doing good. Leading to the fact that the outfielder is just as important as the pitcher. His position is to get the baseballs that go out to him, if he gets them he can help the game. Now, imagine if no one stood in the outfield. Every position, Every role is just as important as the other!
Every player works together and depends on the other to play the game. Who decides which position will be filled? The coach decides because he has seen at practices who has got what, who is more talented with certain areas and who could handle the pressure or load of each particular position.
Now, we are going to use this as a comparison to our own personal lives. We as born again believers of Jesus are part of God's team. Our opposition is the enemy. Our goal is to not let the enemy get to us, we have to play the game, we have to fight. The only difference between this game and a physical game is that the final score has been determined the winner has been declared.
Why do we as women get "on the field" and judge one another's position or worse not even support the position and role of each woman. We all have positions, roles, and places in the Kingdom of God. We are the tools in His hands. He is our coach who has determined where we stand "on the field".
What positions or roles do we have? We can see these in 1 Corinthians 12:4-12, Ephesians 4:11-12, & Romans 12:6-8 there are many different giftings given to each person to use for the Kingdom of God.
We all have different roles and positions, God gives them to us, He determines where we will stand "on the field". We should all be supportive of one another, upholding one another, and being helpful to one another. Not to judge how one does things but let God do through that person what He has determined to do, so that the game can be played and run smoothly.
I want to encourage us as women of God to ask God to reveal what our position is, what our role is and then go and fulfill that position to the fullest. Learn about the position and what is expected of you. Some of you reading this may already know your position, because you may be placed in it right now. Some of you may not know and some of you may be filling a position because you were asked, but don't feel that it is the right position for you. Just ask God to reveal your position and if you are seeking, He will reveal it to you. Once we know our position, our role in the kingdom then and only then can God use us to our fullest.
Every player works together and depends on the other to play the game. Who decides which position will be filled? The coach decides because he has seen at practices who has got what, who is more talented with certain areas and who could handle the pressure or load of each particular position.
Now, we are going to use this as a comparison to our own personal lives. We as born again believers of Jesus are part of God's team. Our opposition is the enemy. Our goal is to not let the enemy get to us, we have to play the game, we have to fight. The only difference between this game and a physical game is that the final score has been determined the winner has been declared.
Why do we as women get "on the field" and judge one another's position or worse not even support the position and role of each woman. We all have positions, roles, and places in the Kingdom of God. We are the tools in His hands. He is our coach who has determined where we stand "on the field".
What positions or roles do we have? We can see these in 1 Corinthians 12:4-12, Ephesians 4:11-12, & Romans 12:6-8 there are many different giftings given to each person to use for the Kingdom of God.
We all have different roles and positions, God gives them to us, He determines where we will stand "on the field". We should all be supportive of one another, upholding one another, and being helpful to one another. Not to judge how one does things but let God do through that person what He has determined to do, so that the game can be played and run smoothly.
I want to encourage us as women of God to ask God to reveal what our position is, what our role is and then go and fulfill that position to the fullest. Learn about the position and what is expected of you. Some of you reading this may already know your position, because you may be placed in it right now. Some of you may not know and some of you may be filling a position because you were asked, but don't feel that it is the right position for you. Just ask God to reveal your position and if you are seeking, He will reveal it to you. Once we know our position, our role in the kingdom then and only then can God use us to our fullest.
Friday, September 26, 2008
"You're reading too much into the question. Stop reading too much into the question." That is what our nursing instructors would tell us after our test. What exactly does that mean? Our imagination would paint a picture for us as we read the limited information contained in the question. Based on our understanding of the picture we saw, we would formulate the answer to the question. It was a universal process. All the students did it. What causes people to see something in their mind that they cannot see with their eyes? It's called faith. I always had a preconceived notion that faith was something just for people who were saved. I thought it was believing for someones healing or expecting a miracle, but faith is so much more.
"Now faith is the assurance(the confirmation, the title deed) of the things[we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality[faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]," Hebrews 11:1. Faith is believing in or about something or someone that you cannot see with your physical eyes. On those test we all had faith that the picture our minds painted for us was the truth and factual even though many of those facts were missing. Why would an entire college class do this? Why not just the Christians? The answer is faith. It is a spiritual law. Romans 12:3 says that each person is given a degree of faith. That means that faith applies to believers and nonbelievers alike.
Each moment spent with God increases your faith, after all you are spending time with Someone you cannot see with your physical eyes. With an increases of your faith will come an increase in your understanding of the things of God. As you begin to read the Word of God let your faith take over. That degree of faith that God gave you in your mothers womb will work along with Holy Spirit to unlock the hidden mysteries of His Word. There is so much to be learned from the Bible if you will "read into the question."
"Now faith is the assurance(the confirmation, the title deed) of the things[we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality[faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses]," Hebrews 11:1. Faith is believing in or about something or someone that you cannot see with your physical eyes. On those test we all had faith that the picture our minds painted for us was the truth and factual even though many of those facts were missing. Why would an entire college class do this? Why not just the Christians? The answer is faith. It is a spiritual law. Romans 12:3 says that each person is given a degree of faith. That means that faith applies to believers and nonbelievers alike.
Each moment spent with God increases your faith, after all you are spending time with Someone you cannot see with your physical eyes. With an increases of your faith will come an increase in your understanding of the things of God. As you begin to read the Word of God let your faith take over. That degree of faith that God gave you in your mothers womb will work along with Holy Spirit to unlock the hidden mysteries of His Word. There is so much to be learned from the Bible if you will "read into the question."
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Pray for Your Leaders 3
God revealed to Jennifer last week, we need to pray for our leaders. On a more closer, personal note, He revealed as wives; we need to cover our husbands in prayer as the leader of the household.
This past week, God gave me a prayer for us wives to speak over our husbands. This prayer is for you if your a wife of a saved husband serving the Lord or a wife of a husband in transition toward serving the Lord. The prayer is composed of the Word of God, just put into a personal perspective. Remember the Lord says in Jeremiah 1:12.....I am alert and active, watching over My word to perform it.
In praying for our husbands, we as wives should start with ourselves, proclaiming who God says we are as a wife.
An excellent wife is the crown of her husband. I am an excellent wife. ( Proverbs 12:4)
House and riches are the inheritance of fathers and a prudent wife is from the Lord. I am a prudent wife. ( Proverbs 19:14) This word prudent interested me, so I looked up the meaning and prudent is one who is careful in planning for the future, sensible, economical or thrifty.
I respect and reverence my husband, I notice him, regard him, honor him, prefer him, venerate him, and esteem him. I defer to him, praise him, love and admire him exceedingly. (Eph. 5:33)
Holy Spirit, I ask You to help me understand and support my husband in ways that show my support for Christ. Lord, You teach me to be a wife to him, show me Your expectations of a wife. I pray that I will be the wife You planned to give my husband, no fleshy attitude will stand in the way. Holy Spirit lead me, lead me in what to say or what not to say. Lead me in my role as a wife, that I will glorify You God. In Jesus Name.
This past week, God gave me a prayer for us wives to speak over our husbands. This prayer is for you if your a wife of a saved husband serving the Lord or a wife of a husband in transition toward serving the Lord. The prayer is composed of the Word of God, just put into a personal perspective. Remember the Lord says in Jeremiah 1:12.....I am alert and active, watching over My word to perform it.
In praying for our husbands, we as wives should start with ourselves, proclaiming who God says we are as a wife.
An excellent wife is the crown of her husband. I am an excellent wife. ( Proverbs 12:4)
House and riches are the inheritance of fathers and a prudent wife is from the Lord. I am a prudent wife. ( Proverbs 19:14) This word prudent interested me, so I looked up the meaning and prudent is one who is careful in planning for the future, sensible, economical or thrifty.
I respect and reverence my husband, I notice him, regard him, honor him, prefer him, venerate him, and esteem him. I defer to him, praise him, love and admire him exceedingly. (Eph. 5:33)
Holy Spirit, I ask You to help me understand and support my husband in ways that show my support for Christ. Lord, You teach me to be a wife to him, show me Your expectations of a wife. I pray that I will be the wife You planned to give my husband, no fleshy attitude will stand in the way. Holy Spirit lead me, lead me in what to say or what not to say. Lead me in my role as a wife, that I will glorify You God. In Jesus Name.
Lord God, (my husband), is the leader of this family. God You are the Head of this household and my husband follows after You in every decision affecting this family. He longs for You, O God. His inner self thirsts after You, the living God. (Ps. 42:1,2) God shine Your light so that he can clearly see which way to go as we follow him Lord. My husband leans on, trusts in, and is confident in You, Lord, with all his heart and mind and does not rely on his own insight or understanding. In all his ways he knows, recognizes, and acknowledges You, and You direct and make straight and plain his paths. He is not wise in his own eyes, but reverently fears and worships You, Lord. (Pro. 3:5-7)
He hears counsel, receives instruction, and accepts correction, that he may be wise in the time to come. (Pro. 19:20)
God give him favor as he walks as the leader of this household. You, Lord, will bless him; as with a shield You will surround him with goodwill ( pleasure and favor). (Ps 5:12)
By Your favor, O Lord, You have established him as a strong mountain. ( Ps 30:7)
I want to encourage you this week to pray for your leader, your husband. Praying the word over your husband is like creating a force field around him. Let God move by speaking His word which allows Him to provide that covering.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Pray For Your Leaders 2
Last night while sitting under conviction for not praying for my leader the Lord spoke something else into my spirit. Most church people would consider the "leaders" to be the pastors, but lets break it down to a personal level. We most definitely need to pray for our pastors, but we also need to pray for the other leader in our lives.
Who are these other leaders? They are your small group (cell group) leaders at church. They are your bosses and supervisors. They are your teachers. They are your children's teachers. They are your coaches and your kid's coaches. They are your husbands (Ephesians 5:22)! You might not agree with what these leaders in your life are doing. You might not even like some of these people, but have you prayed for them lately? Have you interceded for them in their position as leaders, or have you grumbled griped and complained about how they do their job? Have you even recognized these people as leaders? Do you respect their authority over you, or do you consistently undermine their authority in front of other?
Here comes the conviction again. I am guilty of grumbling, griping, and complaining rather than covering them with prayer. Jesus did not get along with the religious leaders of His time, but He also did not undermine them. The Bible says that Jesus came to fulfill the law not to destroy it (Matthew 5:17). Jesus was submissive to authority and in Ephesians 5: 21 we learn the we are to be subject to one another. What it all boils down to is keeping our big mouths shut and praying earnestly for our leader no matter how insignificant they seem to be. They have been placed in authority over us. Pray for and respect them!
Who are these other leaders? They are your small group (cell group) leaders at church. They are your bosses and supervisors. They are your teachers. They are your children's teachers. They are your coaches and your kid's coaches. They are your husbands (Ephesians 5:22)! You might not agree with what these leaders in your life are doing. You might not even like some of these people, but have you prayed for them lately? Have you interceded for them in their position as leaders, or have you grumbled griped and complained about how they do their job? Have you even recognized these people as leaders? Do you respect their authority over you, or do you consistently undermine their authority in front of other?
Here comes the conviction again. I am guilty of grumbling, griping, and complaining rather than covering them with prayer. Jesus did not get along with the religious leaders of His time, but He also did not undermine them. The Bible says that Jesus came to fulfill the law not to destroy it (Matthew 5:17). Jesus was submissive to authority and in Ephesians 5: 21 we learn the we are to be subject to one another. What it all boils down to is keeping our big mouths shut and praying earnestly for our leader no matter how insignificant they seem to be. They have been placed in authority over us. Pray for and respect them!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Pray For Your Leaders
As I was studying the story of David and Goliath the Lord gave me some new incite that I would like to share. In 1 Samuel 17:8-11 the mighty champion of the Philistines, Goliath, comes out to challenge the Israelite army. The Bible actually says the he defied the army. He was huge and the Philistines used that to their advantage. My question for you is, are you buying into the rules of engagement that Satan is shouting out at you?
In the beginning of these verses the Bible says that the Israelite army was in a battle array. They were ready to go out and fight. They most likely had their shields and their swords ready and were about to go in when Goliath came out to fight. He completely changed the rules to suit him and his army. He said something like this, " Hey, why are you lined up to battle us. Let's just do it my way. You send one man to fight me and who ever wins will have the opposing army as servants. I defy you today! Now come on and fight!" Since when does the enemy get to set up the rules. Israel was ready to fight and Goliath comes out to change things. Why didn't they just rush him and do battle as usual? As I began to think about this I started to get angry. It's just like Satan to come in and change the rules. He is always tying to get an advantage over us. The sad part is, like the Israelite army, we usually let him make up the rules as he goes. It is no wonder that David was angry when he came into the camp. He probably was thinking the same thing I was. He actually said in verse 26, "Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?"
The next thing that made me sad was the fact that Saul the king and leader of the army and the people was letting Goliath dictate how the battle would be fought. What kind of leader lets the enemy control the battle? This question goes deeper than just this battle between Israel and the Philistine. It speaks also of our spiritual leaders. The answer is this. Leaders who let the enemy control all aspects of the battle are leaders who are not covered in prayer, and who are not supported by the people.
How often do you pray and lift up the leadership that you are currently under? Unfortunately I fall short in this area. I say that I'll pray but then "life happens" and I forget. Shame on me and shame on you who don't pray for your spiritual leaders. Without a prayer covering how can we expect the vision of the church to come into existence. With out a prayer covering how can we expect our leaders to even have a vision. In Proverbs 29:18 we learn that the people perish without vision. Pray for your leaders so that they will hear the voice of God, have vision, and follow God's rules for battle not what the enemy has set up.
After you have prayed, you then need to follow the leaders. They might tell you to do something that is absolutely absurd to you, but if you follow their lead you just might see a mighty move of God. What is foolishness to us can change the lives of others. Don't grumble, gripe, and complain about their decisions just follow their lead. After all, if you are doing your part, they should not lead you astray.
In the beginning of these verses the Bible says that the Israelite army was in a battle array. They were ready to go out and fight. They most likely had their shields and their swords ready and were about to go in when Goliath came out to fight. He completely changed the rules to suit him and his army. He said something like this, " Hey, why are you lined up to battle us. Let's just do it my way. You send one man to fight me and who ever wins will have the opposing army as servants. I defy you today! Now come on and fight!" Since when does the enemy get to set up the rules. Israel was ready to fight and Goliath comes out to change things. Why didn't they just rush him and do battle as usual? As I began to think about this I started to get angry. It's just like Satan to come in and change the rules. He is always tying to get an advantage over us. The sad part is, like the Israelite army, we usually let him make up the rules as he goes. It is no wonder that David was angry when he came into the camp. He probably was thinking the same thing I was. He actually said in verse 26, "Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?"
The next thing that made me sad was the fact that Saul the king and leader of the army and the people was letting Goliath dictate how the battle would be fought. What kind of leader lets the enemy control the battle? This question goes deeper than just this battle between Israel and the Philistine. It speaks also of our spiritual leaders. The answer is this. Leaders who let the enemy control all aspects of the battle are leaders who are not covered in prayer, and who are not supported by the people.
How often do you pray and lift up the leadership that you are currently under? Unfortunately I fall short in this area. I say that I'll pray but then "life happens" and I forget. Shame on me and shame on you who don't pray for your spiritual leaders. Without a prayer covering how can we expect the vision of the church to come into existence. With out a prayer covering how can we expect our leaders to even have a vision. In Proverbs 29:18 we learn that the people perish without vision. Pray for your leaders so that they will hear the voice of God, have vision, and follow God's rules for battle not what the enemy has set up.
After you have prayed, you then need to follow the leaders. They might tell you to do something that is absolutely absurd to you, but if you follow their lead you just might see a mighty move of God. What is foolishness to us can change the lives of others. Don't grumble, gripe, and complain about their decisions just follow their lead. After all, if you are doing your part, they should not lead you astray.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Greater is He that is in You
I John 4:4
Little children, you are of God [you belong to Him] and have [already] defeated and overcome them [the agents of the antichrist], because He Who lives in you is greater (mightier) than he who is in the world.
Recently, I watched an episode of Tom & Jerry, with Brendon. As usual, in this episode Tom was after Jerry with intent to kill and eat him. Jerry runs into this really big dog and this dog sees what Tom is doing to Jerry. The dog gives Jerry a whistle to blow for whenever Tom comes at him. Jerry thought about it and in his mind he pictured himself blowing the whistle and the really big dog coming and beating Tom up.
This is a simple old cartoon, with spiritual insight if you look at it that way.
We are like Jerry, small within ourselves, and we have an enemy who is always seeking to capture us and devour us.
I Peter 5:8
Be well balance (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour.
In the cartoon, Jerry was given a whistle and we upon salvation are given the Name of Jesus!!
All we have to do is say the Name and believe, He will come to our defense.
It may seem silly to see that in a cartoon, but Jesus truly is like the dog portrayed in the cartoon, He will come and smite our enemy. The enemy, like Tom, will cower in His presence. Sometimes the enemy can be attacking us and all we do is say the Name and He appears behind us, we may not even be aware, but the enemy is and he will cower and he will bow to the Name of Jesus.
I want to encourage you today to walk with boldness. Know that Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world!!
Little children, you are of God [you belong to Him] and have [already] defeated and overcome them [the agents of the antichrist], because He Who lives in you is greater (mightier) than he who is in the world.
Recently, I watched an episode of Tom & Jerry, with Brendon. As usual, in this episode Tom was after Jerry with intent to kill and eat him. Jerry runs into this really big dog and this dog sees what Tom is doing to Jerry. The dog gives Jerry a whistle to blow for whenever Tom comes at him. Jerry thought about it and in his mind he pictured himself blowing the whistle and the really big dog coming and beating Tom up.
This is a simple old cartoon, with spiritual insight if you look at it that way.
We are like Jerry, small within ourselves, and we have an enemy who is always seeking to capture us and devour us.
I Peter 5:8
Be well balance (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour.
In the cartoon, Jerry was given a whistle and we upon salvation are given the Name of Jesus!!
All we have to do is say the Name and believe, He will come to our defense.
It may seem silly to see that in a cartoon, but Jesus truly is like the dog portrayed in the cartoon, He will come and smite our enemy. The enemy, like Tom, will cower in His presence. Sometimes the enemy can be attacking us and all we do is say the Name and He appears behind us, we may not even be aware, but the enemy is and he will cower and he will bow to the Name of Jesus.
I want to encourage you today to walk with boldness. Know that Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world!!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Are You Like Jonah?
As I was reading the book of Jonah I had a revelation. I had always pictured Jonah running from God, but I never really thought of why he was running. I guess I always thought that he was afraid to go to Nineveh. I really didn't know why. I guess I pictured him like a missionary going into a savage land with people who might want to kill him. I found out different. Jonah didn't want to go to Nineveh because he didn't like the people of Nineveh. He had aught in his heart toward them.
We know the story. Jonah went in the opposite direction and ended up in the belly of a great fish. While in the fish Jonah cried out to God and offered thanksgiving to Him in the midst of his trouble. The fish spit him out on dry land and God again told him to go to Nineveh quickly. Jonah followed God this time. He didn't even stop for a shower and a bite to eat. When he got there the people heard and heeded the word of the Lord from Jonah. They repented and God spared them.
What an awesome message of God's grace and mercy, yet Jonah was not the least bit happy about it. In Jonah 4:1, the Bible says Jonah was exceedingly angry. He prayed and told God that he knew this would happen. He said that was why he didn't want to go to Nineveh in the first place. He said he knew that God was full of mercy, and that he would revoke the death sentence on Nineveh if they repented. He really did not like these people. He did not want to minister to them not because of fear, but because he did want them to be saved.
How many times do we run from what God wants us to do because we don't like where He wants us to go? Often times we will ask God to send someone else, or we will ignore God and His call. We might not like the color of someones skin or the neighborhood they live in. We might think they are too fat or too lazy to deserve God's grace. We might even think that because they don't go to the same kind of church or wear the right clothes that God really wouldn't want to show them mercy. The truth is this. God loved the world and everyone in it so much, that He sent His only Son to die for you and me and the crack addict down the road and the single African American mother on wellfare and the millioniar in New York city. God loves us all. Who are we to judge who deserves grace. Don't be a Jonah by letting pride and personal opinion get in the way of ministering the Gospel to other. If you do, you just might find yourself in the belly of a fish.
We know the story. Jonah went in the opposite direction and ended up in the belly of a great fish. While in the fish Jonah cried out to God and offered thanksgiving to Him in the midst of his trouble. The fish spit him out on dry land and God again told him to go to Nineveh quickly. Jonah followed God this time. He didn't even stop for a shower and a bite to eat. When he got there the people heard and heeded the word of the Lord from Jonah. They repented and God spared them.
What an awesome message of God's grace and mercy, yet Jonah was not the least bit happy about it. In Jonah 4:1, the Bible says Jonah was exceedingly angry. He prayed and told God that he knew this would happen. He said that was why he didn't want to go to Nineveh in the first place. He said he knew that God was full of mercy, and that he would revoke the death sentence on Nineveh if they repented. He really did not like these people. He did not want to minister to them not because of fear, but because he did want them to be saved.
How many times do we run from what God wants us to do because we don't like where He wants us to go? Often times we will ask God to send someone else, or we will ignore God and His call. We might not like the color of someones skin or the neighborhood they live in. We might think they are too fat or too lazy to deserve God's grace. We might even think that because they don't go to the same kind of church or wear the right clothes that God really wouldn't want to show them mercy. The truth is this. God loved the world and everyone in it so much, that He sent His only Son to die for you and me and the crack addict down the road and the single African American mother on wellfare and the millioniar in New York city. God loves us all. Who are we to judge who deserves grace. Don't be a Jonah by letting pride and personal opinion get in the way of ministering the Gospel to other. If you do, you just might find yourself in the belly of a fish.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Have You Been Desperate for Jesus Lately?
In a recent prayer time of mine, I found myself on the floor and reaching out as far as I could. In my spirit, I was remembering the woman with the issue of blood, how she fought through the crowd to get to Jesus, just to touch a piece of His garment. She knew if she touched it she would be made whole. So she fought through desperately to get to Him because He was her last hope. Another woman, I thought of, was the woman who came into the private party, where Jesus was sitting with the Pharisee and this woman had to know that she was not worthy, the word says that she was an especially wicked sinner. In knowing that, it had to take a lot of courage deep within her to walk into that room nervous, scared, and shaking, she approached Him crying, and maybe with the thoughts of, I know I am not worthy to come to Him, but I am going to go and bring what I know is worthy and costly and give it to Him. As she walked in, eyes glared at her and she pushed past all that, keeping her eyes on Jesus, going straight to His feet and she began to anoint Him. ( Luke 7:36-50 & Luke 8:43-48)
As I lay in the floor thinking of these women and their desperation for Him, I asked myself this question, when was the last time I was so desperate for Jesus, that I didn't let anything stop me from getting to Him. These women just had to worry about the physical aspect of getting to Him, pushing past crowds, the negative voices, and the stare of a pharisee. We have to push past the spiritual to get to see Him, letting all the weights down. He is waiting on us to lay our weights down, to come to Him in our spiritual nakedness and say, I know You know all that is wrong and I know You still love me, so I am coming to You not holding anything back, You look upon me, get out what is wrong, cleanse me, but I will not leave until I have an encounter with You Jesus. He waits on us to push through, so now my question to you is this. When was the last time you were desperate for Jesus? We serve an Almighty God who desires to be with us, you know that is interesting to me that the God who created heaven and earth, the God who owns the earth and all that is within it and the dirt underneath, would desire to be with us! That is so awesome, to have this Father! (Psalm 50:10-12 & 1 Cor.10-26)
I want to encourage you to fulfill God's desires and go to Him, push everything aside whether its voices shouting, you can't get to Him, push past that and think on the woman with the issue of blood or the fact that there is sin in your life, ask forgiveness and push past that. Think of the woman who walked into a place where Jesus was and all eyes were staring at her for who she was, the sin in her life.
These women pushed past a lot in the physical realm to get to Him, let's push past in the spiritual realm to get to Him and just like these women, who left His presence never the same, we will never leave the same, you absolutely can not have an encounter with Jesus and not leave changed.
As I lay in the floor thinking of these women and their desperation for Him, I asked myself this question, when was the last time I was so desperate for Jesus, that I didn't let anything stop me from getting to Him. These women just had to worry about the physical aspect of getting to Him, pushing past crowds, the negative voices, and the stare of a pharisee. We have to push past the spiritual to get to see Him, letting all the weights down. He is waiting on us to lay our weights down, to come to Him in our spiritual nakedness and say, I know You know all that is wrong and I know You still love me, so I am coming to You not holding anything back, You look upon me, get out what is wrong, cleanse me, but I will not leave until I have an encounter with You Jesus. He waits on us to push through, so now my question to you is this. When was the last time you were desperate for Jesus? We serve an Almighty God who desires to be with us, you know that is interesting to me that the God who created heaven and earth, the God who owns the earth and all that is within it and the dirt underneath, would desire to be with us! That is so awesome, to have this Father! (Psalm 50:10-12 & 1 Cor.10-26)
I want to encourage you to fulfill God's desires and go to Him, push everything aside whether its voices shouting, you can't get to Him, push past that and think on the woman with the issue of blood or the fact that there is sin in your life, ask forgiveness and push past that. Think of the woman who walked into a place where Jesus was and all eyes were staring at her for who she was, the sin in her life.
These women pushed past a lot in the physical realm to get to Him, let's push past in the spiritual realm to get to Him and just like these women, who left His presence never the same, we will never leave the same, you absolutely can not have an encounter with Jesus and not leave changed.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Finding ourselves in Battle
Have you ever found yourself in a spiritual battle and feeling overwhelmed? Upon reading Joshua, I discovered that GOD revealed a plan to use during the battle.
Joshua 1:7-9, (amplified bible) Only you be strong and very courageous, that you may do according to all the law which Moses, My servant commanded you. Turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua was getting ready for battle, he was nervous because this was after the death of Moses and he was called to step up and be the leader. GOD then revealed a plan for Joshua to follow and that plan is part of our inheritance as a blood bought child of GOD, what HE revealed to Joshua is ours also.
Take the word, read it, and not only read the word, but study and not only study, but meditate, think on it, get it in you. Live by it, and let the word govern your life and your decisions! Don't turn from it, neither to the right or left but stay with it no matter what you have to stand for or how ridiculous you will look, don't turn from the word. GOD revealed it would take courage, boldness, and strongness! Whether we are coming against something in the physical or in the spiritual.
GOD revealed blessing in doing what HE said: Your way will be prosperous, You will deal wisely, and You will have good success. Now who wouldn't want to know that no matter what you come against if you will follow GOD and HIS ways, that your outcome will be good. You could face anything if you knew the outcome would be victory. Joshua followed GOD and HIS voice and he had victory every time, but every time he sought GOD and done exactly what HE said. The next battle we find ourselves in, no matter what it looks like lets follow GOD and HIS voice, refusing to turn any other way, than what we will have is, our way will be prosperous, we will deal wisely, and we will have good success!!
Joshua 1:7-9, (amplified bible) Only you be strong and very courageous, that you may do according to all the law which Moses, My servant commanded you. Turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua was getting ready for battle, he was nervous because this was after the death of Moses and he was called to step up and be the leader. GOD then revealed a plan for Joshua to follow and that plan is part of our inheritance as a blood bought child of GOD, what HE revealed to Joshua is ours also.
Take the word, read it, and not only read the word, but study and not only study, but meditate, think on it, get it in you. Live by it, and let the word govern your life and your decisions! Don't turn from it, neither to the right or left but stay with it no matter what you have to stand for or how ridiculous you will look, don't turn from the word. GOD revealed it would take courage, boldness, and strongness! Whether we are coming against something in the physical or in the spiritual.
GOD revealed blessing in doing what HE said: Your way will be prosperous, You will deal wisely, and You will have good success. Now who wouldn't want to know that no matter what you come against if you will follow GOD and HIS ways, that your outcome will be good. You could face anything if you knew the outcome would be victory. Joshua followed GOD and HIS voice and he had victory every time, but every time he sought GOD and done exactly what HE said. The next battle we find ourselves in, no matter what it looks like lets follow GOD and HIS voice, refusing to turn any other way, than what we will have is, our way will be prosperous, we will deal wisely, and we will have good success!!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Live Life
So many things happen in the Summer. It is hard to keep it all together. The kids are out of school and then you go to camp. The next thing you know, you're shopping for school clothes. For me I seem to get lazy, but life keeps on going really fast. It's on days like today that I realize that I shouldn't be lazy, but I also shouldn't miss out on life by getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of the world around me. We all should cherish every moment that God gives us to live. It's Satan's job to get us distracted. Sometimes we become so focused on preparing for the future, that we forget that we live in the present. I would encourage everyone to enjoy the simple pleasures of everyday. If you spend all your time preparing for the future you just might miss out on the daily blessings God has for you. In James 4:14 The Amplified Bible says, "Yet you do not know [the least thing] about what may happen tomorrow. What is the nature of your life? You are [really] but a wisp of vapor (a puff of smoke, a mist) that is visible for a little while and then disappears [into thin air]." Life is too, short. Live it, don't miss it!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Mother's Day Banquet
The Mother's Day Banquet was a huge success. Thanks to all those who help especially Bro. Daryl Weatherly and the Men's Ministry!
Who is at work?
While reflecting on the story of the children of Israel being delivered from bondage in Egypt, I began to see something different. I've heard the story in church and saw the movie on t.v., but I never saw it in this light. In Exodus 7:1 I discovered that Moses was to be God to Pharaoh, and Aaron was to be the prophet. A prophet is a person that brings the word of God to the people. Aaron was not bringing the words of Aaron or even the words of Moses to Pharaoh and the Egyptians. He was bringing the Words of God. Moses and Aaron would go before Pharaoh and his wise men and magicians and tell them a message from God and then do a sign. The wise men would then produce a counterfeit sign. This happened three times, but the fourth time Aaron, through the power of God caused lice or gnats to come upon the land and the magicians and wise men could not produce. How did they respond? They said, "This is the finger of God(Exodus 8:18,19)."
These men might have thought that Aaron was doing these great signs and wonders through his own power just like they were doing. When they were stumped they realized Who was really at work. How many times have we been in the same position as the magicians and wise men? We try to out do God in our own power. We think, "I got this," but we really are making a mess and can't produce what God can. We need to learn to yield ourselves the the power of God like Aaron did. We need to recognize Who is at work just like those magicians and wise men. Lord help me to realize that You are at work in my life. Lord remind me to yield myself so that You can operate through me. In Jesus name I ask this, Amen.
These men might have thought that Aaron was doing these great signs and wonders through his own power just like they were doing. When they were stumped they realized Who was really at work. How many times have we been in the same position as the magicians and wise men? We try to out do God in our own power. We think, "I got this," but we really are making a mess and can't produce what God can. We need to learn to yield ourselves the the power of God like Aaron did. We need to recognize Who is at work just like those magicians and wise men. Lord help me to realize that You are at work in my life. Lord remind me to yield myself so that You can operate through me. In Jesus name I ask this, Amen.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
The Month of May
I Just wanted to share some of the upcoming events for May.
This year our Mother's Day Banquet is sure to be very special. It will be held on Friday May 9, 2008 at the People's Trust Bank Banquet room. The men of the church have eagerly taken on the duty of hosting and serving the women of our church at this event. All mothers and all daughters are cordially invited to attend this special time of celebration of women. We need to get a number so the men can plan for this event, so I will be posting a sign up list and making announcements at church. All women of all ages are invited.
As the month rolls on the ladies retreat gets closer. The deadline for the discounted registration fee is May 1, 2008. I will also post a sign up sheet for this and have registration forms available for all those interested in going. I would like to encourage all our women to attend this time of refreshing. If finances are an issue please see me and we will provide you tuition in a discrete manner. I feel the Lord really has something great in store for all of us. As the day gets closer I will call a meeting to discuss travel to and from the retreat. Hope to see you all there.
This year our Mother's Day Banquet is sure to be very special. It will be held on Friday May 9, 2008 at the People's Trust Bank Banquet room. The men of the church have eagerly taken on the duty of hosting and serving the women of our church at this event. All mothers and all daughters are cordially invited to attend this special time of celebration of women. We need to get a number so the men can plan for this event, so I will be posting a sign up list and making announcements at church. All women of all ages are invited.
As the month rolls on the ladies retreat gets closer. The deadline for the discounted registration fee is May 1, 2008. I will also post a sign up sheet for this and have registration forms available for all those interested in going. I would like to encourage all our women to attend this time of refreshing. If finances are an issue please see me and we will provide you tuition in a discrete manner. I feel the Lord really has something great in store for all of us. As the day gets closer I will call a meeting to discuss travel to and from the retreat. Hope to see you all there.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Ladies, don't forget about our brunch in the morning at 10 am. We will have food fellowship and plan events for the next 3 months. Hope to see you there.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Alabama Ladies Retreat
The 2008 Alabama Ladies retreat is fast approaching. The dates scheduled are May 16 and 17, 2008. The theme for this years retreat is A Continual Feast...A Continual Celebration. The special guest speaker is Cathy Payne, International Women's Ministry Director. I would like to encourage all of our ladies to go. The pre-registration cost is $40.00 and is due by May 1, 2008. If you have any questions contact me. I am looking forward to this great time of ministry for women! Hope to see you there.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Does God Hear Me?
While reading Job this morning I saw something really interesting. I had been struggling to understand chapter 35 and God gave me a revelation. Elihu, Job's friend was speaking about people crying out to God in vain. Have you ever felt like your prayers were going no higher than the ceiling? I have. I some times feel like they are just bouncing off the walls. It is in those times of seeking a breakthrough that we can get really frustrated and not even want to pray anymore. After all, does God even hear me? I think if we will look at this passage (Job 35:9-13) we can get insight into how to touch God and make Him hear us.
First we should look at what doesn't work. The passage says that people cry out during times of oppression. This is true of everyone born again or not. How many times do you see people around you in trouble calling on God for help? When people get distressed the say things like Oh, God! or Jesus! or Oh, my Lord! People treat a holy God like something that is common. That is the point that Elihu was trying to make with Job and his friends. People can call on God all day long, but because of pride and disrespect God is not obligated to hear. He knows us and knows the intent of our heart. He knows when we are full of pride and when we are humble and broken. We should be careful not to approach God with pride but rather with humility.
After we realize that our pride is most likely the thing standing in the way of God even hearing our prayer, we should look at what gets His attention. In verses 10 and 11 we see what captures the heart of God. We first should acknowledge that God is our Maker. He has created me and you and we should give Him credit for His creations. Next we should realize that He gives us reasons to sing and again give Him the credit for it. Last we should realize that it was and is God who gives us wisdom and who also teaches us. The verses say that He taught us more than the beast of the earth and that He made us smarter than the birds. Again we should give God credit for what He has done. When we give God credit for all that He does we are giving Him praise and worship. That is the key to getting God to listen.
When you find yourself in a place where you feel like God is not listening, take a look at your approach. Did you praise and worship Him? Did yo come in with humility? If you find that you opened up with pride or self worship then take a step back, repent, and let humility flood over you. You'll most likely find yourself broken before God with His undivided attention.
First we should look at what doesn't work. The passage says that people cry out during times of oppression. This is true of everyone born again or not. How many times do you see people around you in trouble calling on God for help? When people get distressed the say things like Oh, God! or Jesus! or Oh, my Lord! People treat a holy God like something that is common. That is the point that Elihu was trying to make with Job and his friends. People can call on God all day long, but because of pride and disrespect God is not obligated to hear. He knows us and knows the intent of our heart. He knows when we are full of pride and when we are humble and broken. We should be careful not to approach God with pride but rather with humility.
After we realize that our pride is most likely the thing standing in the way of God even hearing our prayer, we should look at what gets His attention. In verses 10 and 11 we see what captures the heart of God. We first should acknowledge that God is our Maker. He has created me and you and we should give Him credit for His creations. Next we should realize that He gives us reasons to sing and again give Him the credit for it. Last we should realize that it was and is God who gives us wisdom and who also teaches us. The verses say that He taught us more than the beast of the earth and that He made us smarter than the birds. Again we should give God credit for what He has done. When we give God credit for all that He does we are giving Him praise and worship. That is the key to getting God to listen.
When you find yourself in a place where you feel like God is not listening, take a look at your approach. Did you praise and worship Him? Did yo come in with humility? If you find that you opened up with pride or self worship then take a step back, repent, and let humility flood over you. You'll most likely find yourself broken before God with His undivided attention.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Shopping Trip
Ladies, it's almost time for our shopping trip. Bring you appetite because we're going to eat at Olive Garden. Hackleburg ladies meet at the church at 9:00. Hamilton ladies meet at the Bama Food Mart at 9:15. We can all meet at the food court at the mall and go from there. Can't wait to see you.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
On The Brink
As I re-read the story of Jesus' first miracle, turning water to wine, I had the same question come to mind that I always do. Why did He say, "My time has not yet come?" That is something that has puzzled me for years, because His next statement is bring me those water pots. I feel God gave me a revelations about this story that I've never thought about or heard preached.
I'll set it up for you. Jesus, His disciples, and His family were at a wedding. It must have been a huge affair because they ran out of drinks. Mary said to Jesus, "they are out of wine," as if she wanted to know what they could do about it. Jesus then tells her, "what does that have to do with you and Me, just leave it to me." Then He says it, "My time to act has not come."
The next thing to happen was key to the miracle happening. It was Mary's response to "It's not time." She told the servants to do what ever Jesus told them to do. Mary's faith was put to the test. She had been told, "no, not now," and she responded just like God wanted her to respond. She basically said, "get ready, because when it is time ,He will do something great, and He may want our help."
What do we do when God says, "It's not time?" Most of the time we get negative, and speak out of fear rather than faith. It's hard not to. Our flesh is naturally negative. We should be like Mary and say, "Okay God. Your the boss. Let me get ready for when the time comes for my miracle."
We need to realize that just before Jesus said, "not now," He said, "I'll take care of it." Sometimes we forget that God said that He would take care of us. We get so caught up in what is happening all around us that we forget about God's provision.
Jesus was just moments from performing His first miracle, but no one knew it at that moment. I think that the miracle happened because Mary didn't freak out and get negative. Who knows? You might be on the brink of your miracle. It might be moments away. Don't push it away with negative fear filled words. Remember God knows what you need and He said that He would provide it. Just wait on Him and be prepared! It might be today!
I'll set it up for you. Jesus, His disciples, and His family were at a wedding. It must have been a huge affair because they ran out of drinks. Mary said to Jesus, "they are out of wine," as if she wanted to know what they could do about it. Jesus then tells her, "what does that have to do with you and Me, just leave it to me." Then He says it, "My time to act has not come."
The next thing to happen was key to the miracle happening. It was Mary's response to "It's not time." She told the servants to do what ever Jesus told them to do. Mary's faith was put to the test. She had been told, "no, not now," and she responded just like God wanted her to respond. She basically said, "get ready, because when it is time ,He will do something great, and He may want our help."
What do we do when God says, "It's not time?" Most of the time we get negative, and speak out of fear rather than faith. It's hard not to. Our flesh is naturally negative. We should be like Mary and say, "Okay God. Your the boss. Let me get ready for when the time comes for my miracle."
We need to realize that just before Jesus said, "not now," He said, "I'll take care of it." Sometimes we forget that God said that He would take care of us. We get so caught up in what is happening all around us that we forget about God's provision.
Jesus was just moments from performing His first miracle, but no one knew it at that moment. I think that the miracle happened because Mary didn't freak out and get negative. Who knows? You might be on the brink of your miracle. It might be moments away. Don't push it away with negative fear filled words. Remember God knows what you need and He said that He would provide it. Just wait on Him and be prepared! It might be today!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
The Bowling Trip
I had a great time with all of you bowling and eating. I hope that we can do things like that more often. I want to see us draw closer together as a group. As we get closer we will become more effective in ministering to others. God Bless you all and I look forward to the shopping trip. I don't think I'll get lost in Tupelo (Ha! Ha!).
Up Coming Events
Our next Laidies outing will be March 8, 2008. We will be going shopping at Tupelo, MS. I will post more details soon.
Intimacy With God
In Ezekiel 2:1,2 we see a portrait of an intimate relationship with God. It begins with Ezekiel on his face before God and then God speaking to him. God actually addresses Ezekiel as "son of man." How does God address you? Does God have a special name that He calls you? Are you intimately acquainted with God?
As I sat and thought of this, I began to see that Ezekiel and God were pretty intimate. God knew just what to say to Ezekiel to get his attention, and Ezekiel also knew the voice of God. As the book of Ezekiel progresses it unfolds like and autobiography of Ezekiel and God. It is really awsome.
I desire to be that close to God. I would like to have an autobiography of my life with Him, but what does it take to get to that place? The key is to become intimate with God. Webster's Dictionary defines intimate as closely acquainted, familiar; private, personal. How many of us are truly that way with God?
Many people see God as untouchable. They ask Jesus to come in and take away their sin but cower in fear of the Father. They place Him on a great throne and are afraid to approach except in extreme distress. They view God as a great authority figure like the president. He is someone of great power that cares for their wellfare, but they will never sit down to a meal with Him and share their day with Him because He is too, great.
God is great, but He also desires to have the daily chats about your day. He is like your best friend, mother, father, and spouse all in one. He wants to chat with you to get to know you, but mostly He wants for you to get to know Him, after all, He knew you before you were formed in your mothers womb (Jeremiah 1:5). The difference in people and God is that no matter what happens between you, He'll never leave you. If you get mad and say ugly things to Him, He is still there. When your world is crashing down, He is there. When you are having the time of your life, He's there. The Amplified Bible says it this way in Hebrew 13:5b, "for He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!]." We have a mighty God Who loves us unconditionally.
As I read the Bible, pray, fast, and worship, I begin to see just Who God is to me. It builds my desire to spend even more time with Him. As the intimacy grows so does my hunger for more of Him. One day we will have that autobiography about our life together. You can have that too. Remember, if you are going to put God on the throne, you have to be willing to crawl into His lap.
As I sat and thought of this, I began to see that Ezekiel and God were pretty intimate. God knew just what to say to Ezekiel to get his attention, and Ezekiel also knew the voice of God. As the book of Ezekiel progresses it unfolds like and autobiography of Ezekiel and God. It is really awsome.
I desire to be that close to God. I would like to have an autobiography of my life with Him, but what does it take to get to that place? The key is to become intimate with God. Webster's Dictionary defines intimate as closely acquainted, familiar; private, personal. How many of us are truly that way with God?
Many people see God as untouchable. They ask Jesus to come in and take away their sin but cower in fear of the Father. They place Him on a great throne and are afraid to approach except in extreme distress. They view God as a great authority figure like the president. He is someone of great power that cares for their wellfare, but they will never sit down to a meal with Him and share their day with Him because He is too, great.
God is great, but He also desires to have the daily chats about your day. He is like your best friend, mother, father, and spouse all in one. He wants to chat with you to get to know you, but mostly He wants for you to get to know Him, after all, He knew you before you were formed in your mothers womb (Jeremiah 1:5). The difference in people and God is that no matter what happens between you, He'll never leave you. If you get mad and say ugly things to Him, He is still there. When your world is crashing down, He is there. When you are having the time of your life, He's there. The Amplified Bible says it this way in Hebrew 13:5b, "for He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!]." We have a mighty God Who loves us unconditionally.
As I read the Bible, pray, fast, and worship, I begin to see just Who God is to me. It builds my desire to spend even more time with Him. As the intimacy grows so does my hunger for more of Him. One day we will have that autobiography about our life together. You can have that too. Remember, if you are going to put God on the throne, you have to be willing to crawl into His lap.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Effective Witnessing
Have you ever had trouble witnessing? I have! What do you say? How do you do it? Where do you do it? Who do you talk to? When is the best time? Why should you do it? As I was studying this morning I looked at some really good examples.
John 1:35-51 gives a real and effective witnessing experience. It shows how some of the desciples became disciples. It show different ways to approach people. It also shows tools that equip us for witnessing.
What do you say? John the Baptist said, "Look! There is the Lamb of God!"(John 1:36, Amplified) It wasn't a lot spoken, but it touched the lives of two of his own disciples. These two decided to follow Jesus from just those words. One of the two, Andrew, went and told his brother Simon about Jesus and led him back to meet Jesus. I would suggest that you keep it simple and tell what you know. That is what these men did.
How do you do it? Let Holy Spirit lead you! God knows just the word or words that can impact a person to the point of making the decision for Life. We see this in how Jesus responded to each one that He came into contact with. For His first two disciples, all it took was showing them where He was staying. For Peter it took the opperation of the gifts of the Spirit. Jesus used the word of knowlege and the gift of prophesy to tell Peter who he was and who he would be. Some may say, "but He was the Son of God!" We are too(John 1:12)! Jesus was a fleshly man opperating in the power of Holy Spirit. We are called to do the same. Jesus also used the power of Holy Spirit to get Nathanael's attention. If we will be sensative to Holy Spirit, He will tell us exactly what to say and how to say it.
Where do you witness? Some people think that witnessing is something you do at church. Wintessing is actually something you can do anywhere. You might be at work ,at Wal-mart, at a neighbors house, at a ball game, or even at the police station. You are not limited to a particular place. Let Holy Spirit be you guide. He'll set up the place for you.
Who do you talk to? I believe Jesus talked with the ones Holy Spirit led Him to talk with. Jesus was very sensitive to Holy Spirit and His leading. He is our example. That means we should be able to do everything Jesus did here on earth (see John 14:12). Andrew talked to his brother, Peter. Philip talked to his friend Nathanael. So, who do we talk to ? We talk to our friends, our families, and those to whom Holy Spirit leeds us.
When is the best time to talk to people? I think that goes right back to Holy Spirit. He will set up the time and the place and tell you what to say. Just tune in to Him. Jesus talked to people when the opportunity arose. The disciples talked to others about Jesus while it was fresh in there hearts and minds. I think we should follow their examples. Tell people about Jesus while what He is doing is fresh. Don't wait, because you might loose some of the fervor. Also, tell people about Jesus when the opportunity arises. Don't try to make it happen. Just let it happen!
Why should we wintess? Besides the fact that it is a requirement for all Christians (Mark 16:15-20), it is exciting to tell others about the good things that are happening in your life. Think about when you first found out you were going to have a baby. You wanted to tell others. You might have called your mom and his mom and your best friend and a your neighbor. I told just about anyone I came into contact with because it was such a miricle in my life. As that life grew inside of you, you started to "show" outward signs of what was going on, on the inside. That outward "showing" is attractive to others. People are curious as to what is going on. Sometimes they even want to touch it. Oh, if we could only be that way about salvation. If we would share with those around us, what Jesus has done on the inside, what an impact we could make on this lost and dying world. If what Jesus did on the inside, grew to the point that it was "showing" on the outside, people would be curious and want to touch. We have that "new life" growing in us, and people around us should see that. Rather than asking why should I wintess, maybe we should ask ourselves why shouldn't I witness.
John 1:35-51 gives a real and effective witnessing experience. It shows how some of the desciples became disciples. It show different ways to approach people. It also shows tools that equip us for witnessing.
What do you say? John the Baptist said, "Look! There is the Lamb of God!"(John 1:36, Amplified) It wasn't a lot spoken, but it touched the lives of two of his own disciples. These two decided to follow Jesus from just those words. One of the two, Andrew, went and told his brother Simon about Jesus and led him back to meet Jesus. I would suggest that you keep it simple and tell what you know. That is what these men did.
How do you do it? Let Holy Spirit lead you! God knows just the word or words that can impact a person to the point of making the decision for Life. We see this in how Jesus responded to each one that He came into contact with. For His first two disciples, all it took was showing them where He was staying. For Peter it took the opperation of the gifts of the Spirit. Jesus used the word of knowlege and the gift of prophesy to tell Peter who he was and who he would be. Some may say, "but He was the Son of God!" We are too(John 1:12)! Jesus was a fleshly man opperating in the power of Holy Spirit. We are called to do the same. Jesus also used the power of Holy Spirit to get Nathanael's attention. If we will be sensative to Holy Spirit, He will tell us exactly what to say and how to say it.
Where do you witness? Some people think that witnessing is something you do at church. Wintessing is actually something you can do anywhere. You might be at work ,at Wal-mart, at a neighbors house, at a ball game, or even at the police station. You are not limited to a particular place. Let Holy Spirit be you guide. He'll set up the place for you.
Who do you talk to? I believe Jesus talked with the ones Holy Spirit led Him to talk with. Jesus was very sensitive to Holy Spirit and His leading. He is our example. That means we should be able to do everything Jesus did here on earth (see John 14:12). Andrew talked to his brother, Peter. Philip talked to his friend Nathanael. So, who do we talk to ? We talk to our friends, our families, and those to whom Holy Spirit leeds us.
When is the best time to talk to people? I think that goes right back to Holy Spirit. He will set up the time and the place and tell you what to say. Just tune in to Him. Jesus talked to people when the opportunity arose. The disciples talked to others about Jesus while it was fresh in there hearts and minds. I think we should follow their examples. Tell people about Jesus while what He is doing is fresh. Don't wait, because you might loose some of the fervor. Also, tell people about Jesus when the opportunity arises. Don't try to make it happen. Just let it happen!
Why should we wintess? Besides the fact that it is a requirement for all Christians (Mark 16:15-20), it is exciting to tell others about the good things that are happening in your life. Think about when you first found out you were going to have a baby. You wanted to tell others. You might have called your mom and his mom and your best friend and a your neighbor. I told just about anyone I came into contact with because it was such a miricle in my life. As that life grew inside of you, you started to "show" outward signs of what was going on, on the inside. That outward "showing" is attractive to others. People are curious as to what is going on. Sometimes they even want to touch it. Oh, if we could only be that way about salvation. If we would share with those around us, what Jesus has done on the inside, what an impact we could make on this lost and dying world. If what Jesus did on the inside, grew to the point that it was "showing" on the outside, people would be curious and want to touch. We have that "new life" growing in us, and people around us should see that. Rather than asking why should I wintess, maybe we should ask ourselves why shouldn't I witness.
If Jesus has done any thing in your life, then you have a story to tell. When you share that story with others, you are being a witness. It does not matter what church you go to. It doesn't matter who you are. Everyone who has asked Jesus in their heart has a story that can touch someone's life. Let's get out there and share! Lord, help me to tune in to Holy Spirit. Help me to be sensitive to what You are saying to me. Let me be ready to act when Holy Spirit sets up a witnessing encounter. Lord, most of all let my words be what you want people to hear, not just what I want to say. Make me an effective witness for You. In Jesus name, Amen.
Monday, January 28, 2008
The Voice of God
Have you ever wondered about John the Baptist's life. As I was studying my Bible this morning, I began to think about his life. John was born into a time when no one had heard the voice of God for over 400 years. John's father was the first person to hear from God through the message of the angel Gabriel. This was the beginning of God's ultimate plan.
John was filled with the Holy Spirit at around 24 week gestation in the womb. That is an awesome thing in itself. He had specific guidelines to follow. He could not drink wine or strong drink. He is described in Mark 1:6 as wearing camel hair clothes with a leather belt and eating locusts and wild honey.
In John chapter 1 we learn a little about John the Baptist's purpose in life. He was the messenger God had spoken of in Malachi 3:1. He actually heard the voice of God. God let him in on the plan of salvation. He told him that the One Whom the Holy Spirit descended on was the One Who would save mankind from sin. What an awesome responsibility that was placed on and in trusted to this man.
God had a plan for John the Baptist just as God has a plan for all of us. We have to be willing to hear the voice of God, and we have to be willing to obey the voice of God no matter what it takes. If God asked you to do something that the world would view as crazy, would you be a John the Baptist or a Pharisee?
Lord, help me to be like John the Baptist when You speak. Help me to not question the plan You have for my life no matter how crazy it may appear. Help me to heed Your voice and not the voice of the world. In Jesus' name I ask it, Amen.
John was filled with the Holy Spirit at around 24 week gestation in the womb. That is an awesome thing in itself. He had specific guidelines to follow. He could not drink wine or strong drink. He is described in Mark 1:6 as wearing camel hair clothes with a leather belt and eating locusts and wild honey.
In John chapter 1 we learn a little about John the Baptist's purpose in life. He was the messenger God had spoken of in Malachi 3:1. He actually heard the voice of God. God let him in on the plan of salvation. He told him that the One Whom the Holy Spirit descended on was the One Who would save mankind from sin. What an awesome responsibility that was placed on and in trusted to this man.
God had a plan for John the Baptist just as God has a plan for all of us. We have to be willing to hear the voice of God, and we have to be willing to obey the voice of God no matter what it takes. If God asked you to do something that the world would view as crazy, would you be a John the Baptist or a Pharisee?
Lord, help me to be like John the Baptist when You speak. Help me to not question the plan You have for my life no matter how crazy it may appear. Help me to heed Your voice and not the voice of the world. In Jesus' name I ask it, Amen.
Friday, January 25, 2008
The Yaweh Sisterhood has moved! Our new director of the ministry is Jennifer Galbreth, and she will be posting weekly and sometimes daily to keep us informed on the Women's Ministries. So keep "connecting" with this blog, so we as women in this community can stay informed.
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