Saturday, December 20, 2008

How close are you God?

While studying the book of Job, God has been revealing some incite into His plan and purpose for my life. I seem to learn something new everyday that causes me to run after Him. God is so great and vast and majestic, yet He chooses to have a relationship with me. He desires to walk with me through out my life and guide me in every step I take if I will only let Him. How awesome to know that the King of the universe knows my name and desires to have a truly intimate relationship with me. In His word He says that He will stick closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24). I never understood that, but through this study I’m learning that God does just that. He sticks closer than a brother, friend, mother, father, child. He never gets aggravated and says, “That’s it. I can’t stand you anymore.” The only way to get rid of the closeness of God is to run away from Him. He will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). He is a very present help in time of need (Psalms 46:1). I’m learning that God is really always there no matter what I’m going through. No matter how difficult the trial may seem at the time, He is there! He was there for Job and He is there for you, too!

Job had never been through a trial of this difficulty before. It was challenging and it was going to be life changing for him. We go through things like this in our lives also. God challenges us for greatness. It is through these times of trial that our fleshly flaws are exposed. We can allow God to remove these things to make us stronger and to cause our spiritual growth, or we can falter under them, run from them, and find no growth and stay in the same place. If God is allowing a great challenge to come in your life, then consider it an honor that He loves and respects and considers so much of you to allow it. He is sitting on the throne saying things like, “Hey watch what she does here. Isn’t she awesome? I bet Satan never saw that coming. I’m so proud!”

You are truly blessed and highly favored when trials come because God sees what is coming and knows that you can make it through.

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