As I was reading the book of Jonah I had a revelation. I had always pictured Jonah running from God, but I never really thought of why he was running. I guess I always thought that he was afraid to go to Nineveh. I really didn't know why. I guess I pictured him like a missionary going into a savage land with people who might want to kill him. I found out different. Jonah didn't want to go to Nineveh because he didn't like the people of Nineveh. He had aught in his heart toward them.
We know the story. Jonah went in the opposite direction and ended up in the belly of a great fish. While in the fish Jonah cried out to God and offered thanksgiving to Him in the midst of his trouble. The fish spit him out on dry land and God again told him to go to Nineveh quickly. Jonah followed God this time. He didn't even stop for a shower and a bite to eat. When he got there the people heard and heeded the word of the Lord from Jonah. They repented and God spared them.
What an awesome message of God's grace and mercy, yet Jonah was not the least bit happy about it. In Jonah 4:1, the Bible says Jonah was exceedingly angry. He prayed and told God that he knew this would happen. He said that was why he didn't want to go to Nineveh in the first place. He said he knew that God was full of mercy, and that he would revoke the death sentence on Nineveh if they repented. He really did not like these people. He did not want to minister to them not because of fear, but because he did want them to be saved.
How many times do we run from what God wants us to do because we don't like where He wants us to go? Often times we will ask God to send someone else, or we will ignore God and His call. We might not like the color of someones skin or the neighborhood they live in. We might think they are too fat or too lazy to deserve God's grace. We might even think that because they don't go to the same kind of church or wear the right clothes that God really wouldn't want to show them mercy. The truth is this. God loved the world and everyone in it so much, that He sent His only Son to die for you and me and the crack addict down the road and the single African American mother on wellfare and the millioniar in New York city. God loves us all. Who are we to judge who deserves grace. Don't be a Jonah by letting pride and personal opinion get in the way of ministering the Gospel to other. If you do, you just might find yourself in the belly of a fish.
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