Saturday, February 23, 2008

On The Brink

As I re-read the story of Jesus' first miracle, turning water to wine, I had the same question come to mind that I always do. Why did He say, "My time has not yet come?" That is something that has puzzled me for years, because His next statement is bring me those water pots. I feel God gave me a revelations about this story that I've never thought about or heard preached.

I'll set it up for you. Jesus, His disciples, and His family were at a wedding. It must have been a huge affair because they ran out of drinks. Mary said to Jesus, "they are out of wine," as if she wanted to know what they could do about it. Jesus then tells her, "what does that have to do with you and Me, just leave it to me." Then He says it, "My time to act has not come."

The next thing to happen was key to the miracle happening. It was Mary's response to "It's not time." She told the servants to do what ever Jesus told them to do. Mary's faith was put to the test. She had been told, "no, not now," and she responded just like God wanted her to respond. She basically said, "get ready, because when it is time ,He will do something great, and He may want our help."

What do we do when God says, "It's not time?" Most of the time we get negative, and speak out of fear rather than faith. It's hard not to. Our flesh is naturally negative. We should be like Mary and say, "Okay God. Your the boss. Let me get ready for when the time comes for my miracle."

We need to realize that just before Jesus said, "not now," He said, "I'll take care of it." Sometimes we forget that God said that He would take care of us. We get so caught up in what is happening all around us that we forget about God's provision.

Jesus was just moments from performing His first miracle, but no one knew it at that moment. I think that the miracle happened because Mary didn't freak out and get negative. Who knows? You might be on the brink of your miracle. It might be moments away. Don't push it away with negative fear filled words. Remember God knows what you need and He said that He would provide it. Just wait on Him and be prepared! It might be today!

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