Monday, December 29, 2008

Drawing Near to God

We have sinned because we have forsaken the Lord and have served the Baals and the Ashtaroth; but now deliver us from the hands of our enemies, and we will serve You.
I Samuel 12:10

Looking back at 12:9, we can see the trouble they were in. They realized and noticed the reason bad things and troubles were all around them. They realized that it was because of their sin, following after a false god instead of the One True God, their First Love. They knew they had to turn back from their sin toward God in order for deliverance from the bad things that was happening.

In our own lives, we will have trouble when we stop following after G0d and turn toward the Baals and Ashtaroth's. Now it may not be a god that we made, a statue of bronze to fall down before. Paul reveals in I Corinthians 10:14, Therefore, my dearly beloved, shun (keep clear away from, avoid by flight if need be) any sort of idolatry (of loving or venerating anything
more than God).

God has to rule and reign and have complete control. This is an area of my own life God has been showing me, that He wants complete control of everything that I am. What gods can we setup? The television or the devotion to certain programs, the computer, housecleaning, shopping, even our friends and family. God has to come first, when He does, everything else will fall into its rightful place and you will be able to endure whatever is thrown your way.

Your flesh has to be fed everyday, no matter how much Christmas dinner you eat. The next day you are hungry like you've eaten nothing. Your spirit has to be fed everyday, no matter how much God you take in, everyday your spirit craves more of Him. That is the way it should be we should all have an addiction to the spirit of God that we will do whatever it takes to get to that secret place to get inside His presence, to feel His heart, to hear His desires not to make our requests but have a conversation with the Lord God Almighty. He waits for us.

Look for God in everything, look for ways to spend time with Him. Paul said in Ephesians 6:18, Pray at all times (on every occasion, in every season) in the Spirit, with all [manner of] prayer and entreaty. To that end keep alert and watch with strong purpose and perseverance, interceding in behalf of all the saints (God's consecrated people).

This doesn't mean that we have to stop and kneel in the closet all day, although, getting away secretly is a good and beneficial thing. What we can do is put on some worship music and turn off distractions and pray while we do our normal daily activities. When we feed our spirit, the voice of God is louder and more clear, when we feed our flesh, the voice of the enemy is louder and more clear.

As we enter into the 21 day fast, I want to encourage you to seek Him more, as we deny our flesh, let's feed our spirits more. Let's hear the voice of God louder and clearer for 2009!

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