1 Samuel 16:23 *And when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul, David took a lyre and played it, so Saul was refreshed and became well, and the evil spirit left him.* A little before this scripture, we can see that the spirit of God had left Saul and a spirit of torment had entered into Saul where he could find no rest.
The word of God says that He rides on our praises! The worship of God is discussed throughout the Bible and we are told that we enter His presence with our worship.This tells me that when the enemy is tormenting you with whatever the "situation", he chooses to torment you with or you yourself allow the door to be opened that there is a way to find freedom from the enemy.
We have to pick up our praise, we need to lay down ourselves and focus our attention on the Creator instead of a creation. God will ride in on our praises and because light and darkness have no room together, neither sin or the presence of God, the torment will leave as the evil spirit left Saul. When David played the harp, I believe that he played what he knew and that was worship and not just playing music for the king but playing what he had done all along. David worshiped God and the book of Psalms tells me he knew the Creator!!
God, help me to become more focused on You the Creator and not any creation that can be formed in my life.
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