As I was studying the story of David and Goliath the Lord gave me some new incite that I would like to share. In 1 Samuel 17:8-11 the mighty champion of the Philistines, Goliath, comes out to challenge the Israelite army. The Bible actually says the he defied the army. He was huge and the Philistines used that to their advantage. My question for you is, are you buying into the rules of engagement that Satan is shouting out at you?
In the beginning of these verses the Bible says that the Israelite army was in a battle array. They were ready to go out and fight. They most likely had their shields and their swords ready and were about to go in when Goliath came out to fight. He completely changed the rules to suit him and his army. He said something like this, " Hey, why are you lined up to battle us. Let's just do it my way. You send one man to fight me and who ever wins will have the opposing army as servants. I defy you today! Now come on and fight!" Since when does the enemy get to set up the rules. Israel was ready to fight and Goliath comes out to change things. Why didn't they just rush him and do battle as usual? As I began to think about this I started to get angry. It's just like Satan to come in and change the rules. He is always tying to get an advantage over us. The sad part is, like the Israelite army, we usually let him make up the rules as he goes. It is no wonder that David was angry when he came into the camp. He probably was thinking the same thing I was. He actually said in verse 26, "Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?"
The next thing that made me sad was the fact that Saul the king and leader of the army and the people was letting Goliath dictate how the battle would be fought. What kind of leader lets the enemy control the battle? This question goes deeper than just this battle between Israel and the Philistine. It speaks also of our spiritual leaders. The answer is this. Leaders who let the enemy control all aspects of the battle are leaders who are not covered in prayer, and who are not supported by the people.
How often do you pray and lift up the leadership that you are currently under? Unfortunately I fall short in this area. I say that I'll pray but then "life happens" and I forget. Shame on me and shame on you who don't pray for your spiritual leaders. Without a prayer covering how can we expect the vision of the church to come into existence. With out a prayer covering how can we expect our leaders to even have a vision. In Proverbs 29:18 we learn that the people perish without vision. Pray for your leaders so that they will hear the voice of God, have vision, and follow God's rules for battle not what the enemy has set up.
After you have prayed, you then need to follow the leaders. They might tell you to do something that is absolutely absurd to you, but if you follow their lead you just might see a mighty move of God. What is foolishness to us can change the lives of others. Don't grumble, gripe, and complain about their decisions just follow their lead. After all, if you are doing your part, they should not lead you astray.
This was very good, very bold, and very true! Good Word!
I find it curious, especially in today's climate, that you do not include God's commandment that we also pray for our earthly leaders. Praying for President-elect Obama isn't optional, even if you disagree with everything he stands for.
What does Scripture say?
I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:1-4).
he main purpose of praying for your leaders, for kings, and all those in authority in the secular world, is so that we are free to worship God as the Scriptures have called us. We should pray for God to work in the hearts of our leaders so that they continue to allow the freedom we enjoy (or to allow freedom in countries where that is not possible) to worship God. We pray that our leaders would come to know Christ so they can better lead our countries in a moral and God-honouring way. We pray for them, for their families, that God would use them to further His kingdom in this age. This of course does not just mean our federal leaders but our provincial (or state) leaders and our municipal leaders. Those who make laws and those who enforce them. God uses the governmental leaders for his purposes. We know the Scripture says that ultimately it is God who even chooses our governmental leaders. Daniel 2:21 says,
He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.
God, even in Scripture, shows how He uses governmental leaders to accomplish His will. In Isaiah 45:1-6, Cyrus is prophesied to come and bless God’s people. The fulfillment of that was in Ezra 1 where God moved the heart of Cyrus the King of Persia to allow the Jews to return to Jerusalem. God uses governmental leaders, even those who are not believers, to accomplish His will. Thus, we should pray for our earthly secular leaders as well!
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