Tenderly she held her Baby, and looked at Him with love.
Her heart was filled with wonderment,
about her Christ child from above.
This truly was the Son of God was what the Angel told..
Her tiny baby full of grace, such a wonder to behold.
She thought of what His life would bring, He was born to set us free.
But she only saw her infant Son, as a mother’s love would see.
The shepherds came, the wise men too, to praise His Holy name.
She sat in awe, and held her Child, while those to worship came.
She must have wondered why God's Son was born to her this day.
She wanted so much to be worthy, as she bowed her head to pray.
Mary wrapped her robe a little closer, around her new born Son.
The chill of this old stable, must not touch the chosen one.
It was a humble birth, but a King was born that day.
He came to pay the price for us, and wash our sins away.
Written by Verna Parks
May the love of Jesus fill your heart
May God bless you and keep you
May you prosper in the New Year
May you know that you are loved
M e r r y C h r i s t m a s !
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