Pastor Clint, Pastor Liz, Pastor Dustin, and all of our congregation want to say a special "THANK YOU TO EVERYONE" for volunteering to help this town in so many ways; for all of the many donations from money to clothing, to food, to diapers, to water, and the list goes on; and for your concern and your prayers.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011 - An EF-5 tornado destroyed our town. Far too many of residents of this small town lost everything they owned. Others were able to salvage some of their belongings. And others made it through with little to no damage. This town lost it's elementary & high school, our only grocery store, pharmacy, physician's office, & dollar store. Our town also lost many of the public housing apartments, our largest employer, gas stations, restaurants, church buildings and I could go on and on. We, the Hackleburg Church of God of Prophecy, suffered the loss of our new church facility, our youth church facility, and our Pastor's Family's home.
As devastating as these losses are, we suffered even greater losses. We mourn for each friend, family member and loved-one who did not survive. However, we can find comfort. Through all of this devastation it might be difficult to see right now, but there is HOPE. God is our hope. God did not thrust these horrible storms upon us. He is not punishing us. God is Love. God loves each and every one of us. God is merciful. GOD IS FAITHFUL!
To paraphrase what Pastor Clint said at our Sunday morning service under a tent, "Out of these ashes, will come something beautiful."
If you would like to make donations to help rebuild our church, please make payment to HCOGOP and drop it in the offering bag at Sunday morning's serivce or mail it to:
Church of God of Prophecy
9731 State Hwy 172
Hackleburg, AL 35564