Imagine a baseball team standing on the field in position ready to play ball. Now, let's go a step further, imagine that same team but with players who have decided that the position they were placed in was not for them. So, they all cluster to the middle of the field to argue. Can that team play ball? No, each person has to fulfill his position in order for the game to be played. Now, let's go even deeper. Imagine the team is placed in their positions and one in the outfield is angry because he didn't get the position as pitcher. That one thinks he is good enough to be pitcher maybe even better than the one the coach designated as pitcher. So what will the outfielder do? Certainly not play his given position, he is going to be upset and frustrated the entire time, he will judge the pitcher on his choices and all the while think of how much better he would have been as pitcher. Will the outfielder be supportive of the pitcher? No, the outfielder may even let balls go by just to show his anger or let the pitcher know that he is not doing good. Leading to the fact that the outfielder is just as important as the pitcher. His position is to get the baseballs that go out to him, if he gets them he can help the game. Now, imagine if no one stood in the outfield. Every position, Every role is just as important as the other!
Every player works together and depends on the other to play the game. Who decides which position will be filled? The coach decides because he has seen at practices who has got what, who is more talented with certain areas and who could handle the pressure or load of each particular position.
Now, we are going to use this as a comparison to our own personal lives. We as born again believers of Jesus are part of God's team. Our opposition is the enemy. Our goal is to not let the enemy get to us, we have to play the game, we have to fight. The only difference between this game and a physical game is that the final score has been determined the winner has been declared.
Why do we as women get "on the field" and judge one another's position or worse not even support the position and role of each woman. We all have positions, roles, and places in the Kingdom of God. We are the tools in His hands. He is our coach who has determined where we stand "on the field".
What positions or roles do we have? We can see these in 1 Corinthians 12:4-12, Ephesians 4:11-12, & Romans 12:6-8 there are many different giftings given to each person to use for the Kingdom of God.
We all have different roles and positions, God gives them to us, He determines where we will stand "on the field". We should all be supportive of one another, upholding one another, and being helpful to one another. Not to judge how one does things but let God do through that person what He has determined to do, so that the game can be played and run smoothly.
I want to encourage us as women of God to ask God to reveal what our position is, what our role is and then go and fulfill that position to the fullest. Learn about the position and what is expected of you. Some of you reading this may already know your position, because you may be placed in it right now. Some of you may not know and some of you may be filling a position because you were asked, but don't feel that it is the right position for you. Just ask God to reveal your position and if you are seeking, He will reveal it to you. Once we know our position, our role in the kingdom then and only then can God use us to our fullest.