Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Mother's Day Banquet
The Mother's Day Banquet was a huge success. Thanks to all those who help especially Bro. Daryl Weatherly and the Men's Ministry!
Who is at work?
While reflecting on the story of the children of Israel being delivered from bondage in Egypt, I began to see something different. I've heard the story in church and saw the movie on t.v., but I never saw it in this light. In Exodus 7:1 I discovered that Moses was to be God to Pharaoh, and Aaron was to be the prophet. A prophet is a person that brings the word of God to the people. Aaron was not bringing the words of Aaron or even the words of Moses to Pharaoh and the Egyptians. He was bringing the Words of God. Moses and Aaron would go before Pharaoh and his wise men and magicians and tell them a message from God and then do a sign. The wise men would then produce a counterfeit sign. This happened three times, but the fourth time Aaron, through the power of God caused lice or gnats to come upon the land and the magicians and wise men could not produce. How did they respond? They said, "This is the finger of God(Exodus 8:18,19)."
These men might have thought that Aaron was doing these great signs and wonders through his own power just like they were doing. When they were stumped they realized Who was really at work. How many times have we been in the same position as the magicians and wise men? We try to out do God in our own power. We think, "I got this," but we really are making a mess and can't produce what God can. We need to learn to yield ourselves the the power of God like Aaron did. We need to recognize Who is at work just like those magicians and wise men. Lord help me to realize that You are at work in my life. Lord remind me to yield myself so that You can operate through me. In Jesus name I ask this, Amen.
These men might have thought that Aaron was doing these great signs and wonders through his own power just like they were doing. When they were stumped they realized Who was really at work. How many times have we been in the same position as the magicians and wise men? We try to out do God in our own power. We think, "I got this," but we really are making a mess and can't produce what God can. We need to learn to yield ourselves the the power of God like Aaron did. We need to recognize Who is at work just like those magicians and wise men. Lord help me to realize that You are at work in my life. Lord remind me to yield myself so that You can operate through me. In Jesus name I ask this, Amen.
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